Thursday, November 11, 2010

Catching up: My trip to Massachusetts

I've been crazy busy. But I'm going to try to catch up with all, okay, some, of the posts I wrote in my head and was too tired or didn't have time to actually post.

At the end of September, H and I took an excruciatingly long flight to Massachusetts to visit my good friend smartmama. We had such a good time. H worked on terrorizing her 2 1/2 year-old while she worked on the mothering painting that you see in this blog post, and I worked on this painting and these throw pillows--all of which, you'll notice, are not yet finished.

I didn't actually take any pics of the trip because we spent it talking, vegging, shopping, eating (who really wants a picture of me, eating my 7th German chocolate brownie?), helping a bright Jordanian friend write his BYU application essays, and being creative. (The latter occurred most often late at night while laughing at what Pandora selected for our listening pleasure.)

1 comment:

mwells said...

Can't wait to see the finished products!