Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Summertime and the Livin' is Easy: June 2014

School ended with a bang! We went to our neighborhood party after school and then headed to the Natural History museum with cousins. We also made plenty of Super Summer plans.  
 June was the relaxing part of our summer. We met up with cousins once a week to take advantage of our Connect Pass, but otherwise, the kids played with friends, stayed up late playing night games, and generally just enjoyed being out of school. 

J and I also ran the Wasatch Back Ragnar with the Bagwell family as kind of last-minute substitutes, and we had a great time.

May 2014, part 3

One fun event in May was Jeff and Raisa's wedding. We loved celebrating with them. The kids particularly enjoyed the dancing at the reception:

And, some random pictures from my phone reminded me that in May ;ittle Zelly and I went with Sweetie's class on her field trip to the tulip festival. I also presented a paper at the Rhetoric Society of America conference in San Antonio. And, I loved playing Twister Hoopla with the kids and just hanging around the house with the two Hs. 

Athletes and Graduates: May 2014, part 2

May meant the end of preschool for H (for this year, anyway!). He loved Mrs. Bradshaw's preschool and going with all of the neighborhood kids. What a great year!

 Pirate day and Lemonade stand day at preschool

May also meant the end of spring sports--Sweetie's soccer, H's soccer, and Sweetie's and Mister's track.

H's Soccer--the Black Alligators

  The devoted fans
Sweetie's Soccer--the Sparkling Stingrays

I don't have any pictures of Sweetie because, even though she went and ran laps and sprints 3 days a week, she never actually went to a meet! Her Saturdays were already full of soccer and parties :) Mister had a good season and did really well for his first year running. He was disappointed to never place in the top 6 in a meet (which was required to get a ribbon), but many times there were 3 heats and boys older and bigger than him. Also, we didn't always stick around until the end for him to run more events. Those track meets are LONG!! I'm proud of both of them for doing something that was hard and for sticking with it.